We woke up late and missed church, then we walked down Embarcadero from Fisherman's Wharf and down Market street where we experienced a collision of all kinds of cultures, races, and people from all walks of life. Rich travelers, college kids on vacation, back packers, rich locals, homeless locals, skaters, families, and shop keepers flooded down the streets ignoring each other and avoiding eye contact. San Fransisco was starting to remind us of wheres waldo. It was fun listening to people walk by us conversing one to anther then trying to guess what country they came from.
Then we met a homeless man in a wheel chair, who's name was Gregory English. He is a midfourties man who has been kicked around by the medical insurance system. We spoke for about a half hour, and he told us all kinds of stories and even witnessed to us about Jesus. He had diabetes, and was omitted into the hospital then he was sent out to fend for himself messed up from the pain killers and unable to buy his diabetes medication. His hands and legs are now swollen and he had open deep festering soars, they had even leaked a yellow liquid through his socks. He was begging, but he was still praising God. In parting he told us to go get married, which I thought was funny and kinda sweet. When we left him we were frustrated with the system, confused on what to do, and questioning a lot about the way we think and view things.
Off we walked back toward the hotel, cought a street car, had some boudin's, and went to the hotel room.
i love the tower-o-creamer... too bad they weren't all open. i think that would qualify it as an extreme sport.
maybe next time?
add a timer, an audience, and a fast-moving conveyerbelt and it can be a japanese game show.
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