Thursday, January 17, 2008

I have been filling out applications and handing out my resume like fliers for an opening store, but it seems like no one is hiring. Not having a job and not getting one quickly is a new and difficult experience for me. It feels like being tossed up in the air and now I'm waiting to land. Perhaps God is trying to teach me to trust in Him Completely. On the positive side of things, I have been able to write and play guitar a lot. There are a lot of instruments being sold around here, and there seems to be a large music scene. Calvery Chapel has a musicians group that meets once a month where anyone who plays an instrument can come, it sounds like a jam session, Im going to check it out on friday. Maybe I can find some people to play with. Erika has been studying until her eyes cross and her brain turns into oatmeal with too much water, but she is starting to really absorb all the information she needs for the test. She's been playing guitar a little bit too, and helped me write a part for a song. Good times!

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